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Systems for Driver Assistance and for the Enhancement of Traffic Safety (VSS1999/307)

Switzerland Flag
Complete with results
Geo-spatial type
Network corridors
Project website
STRIA Roadmaps
Connected and automated transport (CAT)
Network and traffic management systems (NTM)
Transport mode
Road icon
Transport policies
Societal/Economic issues,
Transport sectors
Passenger transport,
Freight transport


Background & Policy context

The successful introduction of drivers supporting telematics systems assumes that the complexity of the interaction between people, vehicles and support systems will already be detected in advance. The aim of the investigation is on the one hand to show the state of development of such systems and possible and meaningful areas of application especially in Switzerland to determine, on the other hand, the impact on road safety is to be quantified. Not only the intended avoids certain types of accidents is observed, but also the consequences of individualisation of transport telematics. These include aspects such as loss of capacity-building, risk compensation, etc.


The system human-vehicle-road is near saturation point - the consequences are more conflicts, congestion and accidents, and a declining availability of the road system. Telematics systems promise here new perspectives - in particular the systems for driver assistance. Project goal is to demonstrate the potential and actual effects safety. Further goals are as follows:

  • Demonstration of the various systems and their level of development
  • Determine the safety effects and risks particularly when used in Switzerland
  • Specification of data needs, preparation and transmission
  • Role of the State in implementation and monitoring of such systems

The research approach is aimed in the first phase of work on an overview of the state of development of such driver support systems.

In a second phase, the secondary effects are quantified. Nonetheless holds the individualisation
traffic telematics not only great opportunities but also the danger of opposing developments in itself (loss of capacity-building, disturbance in attention, risk compensation, etc.).

These questions and issues will be investigated because of the research results found.
Where results are not yet available, an attempt is made from the opinions of involved transport
scientists a more coherent image to get.


Parent Programmes
Institution Type
Public institution
Institution Name
Swiss Government: State Secretariat for Education and Research
Type of funding
Public (national/regional/local)


Following results were part of the project:

  • Telematics and road safety; Impact of telematics projects on road safety in Switzerland, research contract at the request 07/98 VSS
  • Telematics and mobility; Warranty or promoting mobility; Research commissioned 05/98 at the request VSS
  • VSM Switzerland: possibilities and effectiveness of VSM measures in Switzerland evaluation of experiences, elaboration of relevant manual VSM measures and guidelines for planning; research commissioned 19/96 at the request VSS

Other results

The benefit of this work is on the one hand in the assessment of these systems regarding a Stake in Switzerland (Is it likely? Take advantage of something? If it so, how much? Are other measures superfluous?). Secondly, a better estimation of the effect of such safety systems is possible. This allows in practice the inclusion of such measures in continuous assessment procedures as an alternative to the usual safety measures.


Lead Organisation
EU Contribution
Partner Organisations
EU Contribution


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